Source code for frei.chemistry

import re
import os
import numpy as np
from astropy.constants import k_B, m_p
import astropy.units as u

__all__ = [

def iso_to_species(isotopologue):
    Take 1H2-16O and turn it to H2O, or take 48Ti-16O and turn it to TiO
    species = ""
    for element in isotopologue.split('-'):
        for s in re.findall(r'\D+\d*', element):
            species += ''.join(s)
    return species if len(species) > 0 else isotopologue

def iso_to_mass(isotopologue):
    Take 1H2-16O and turn it to 18, or take 48Ti-16O and turn it to 64
    from periodictable import elements
    mass = 0
    for element in isotopologue.split('-'):
        multiples = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, re.split(r'\D', element)))
        if len(multiples) > 1: 
            species_mass, multiplier = multiples
            mass += float(multiplier) * float(species_mass)
        elif len(multiples) == 1: 
            mass += float(multiples[0])
    return (mass if mass != 0 else getattr(elements, isotopologue).mass) * u.u

def species_name_to_fastchem_name(k, return_mass=False):
    Convert generic species name, like "H20" or "ClAlF2", to
    Hill notation for FastChem, like "H2O1" or "Al1Cl1F2". Also return the total
    mass of the species by summing the masses of its components.
    atoms = np.array(list(filter(
        lambda x: len(x) > 0, re.split(r"(?<=[a-z])|(?=[A-Z])|\d", k)

    multipliers = np.array([
        int(x) if len(x) > 0 else 1 for x in re.split(r'\D', k)
    lens = [len(''.join(atom)) for atom in atoms]
    multipliers_skipped = np.array([multipliers[cs] for cs in np.cumsum(lens)])

    order = np.argsort(atoms)

    correct_notation = ''.join([
        a + str(m) for a, m in zip(atoms[order], multipliers_skipped[order])

    # If single atom, give only the name of the atom:
    if len(correct_notation) == 2 and correct_notation.endswith('1'):
        correct_notation = correct_notation[0]
    elif len(correct_notation) == 3 and correct_notation.endswith('1'):
        correct_notation = correct_notation[:2]

    if return_mass:
        # Optionally return mass of species
        from periodictable import elements
        mass = 0
        for atom, mult in zip(atoms, multipliers_skipped):
            mass += getattr(elements, atom).mass * mult

        return correct_notation, mass
    return correct_notation

def species_name_to_common_isotopologue_name(k):
    Convert generic species name, like "H20", to
    isotopologue name like "1H2-16O" . Also return the total
    mass of the species by summing the masses of its components.
    from periodictable import elements

    atoms = np.array(list(filter(
        lambda x: len(x) > 0, re.split(r"(?<=[a-z])|(?=[A-Z])|\d", k)

    multipliers = np.array([
        int(x) if len(x) > 0 else 1 for x in re.split(r'\D', k)
    lens = [len(''.join(atom)) for atom in atoms]
    multipliers_skipped = np.array([multipliers[cs] for cs in np.cumsum(lens)])

    masses = np.array([
        round(getattr(elements, atom).mass) for atom, mult in zip(atoms, multipliers_skipped)
    if len(atoms) > 1:
        correct_notation = '-'.join([
            str(mass) + a + (str(mult) if mult > 1 else '') 
            for a, mult, mass in zip(atoms, multipliers_skipped, masses)

    # If single atom, give only the name of the atom:
        correct_notation = atoms[0]
    return correct_notation

[docs]def chemistry( temperatures, pressures, species, return_vmr=False, m_bar=2.4*m_p ): """ Run pyfastchem to compute chemistry throughout an atmosphere. Parameters ---------- temperatures : ~astropy.units.Quantity Temperature grid pressures : ~astropy.units.Quantity Pressure grid fastchem : ~pyfastchem.FastChem FastChem object from pyfastchem input_data : ~pyfastchem.FastChemInput or None output_data : ~pyfastchem.FastChemOutput or None return_vmr : bool If True, return the volume mixing ratio as well as the mass mixing ratio m_bar : ~astropy.units.Quantity Mean molecular weight Returns ------- fastchem_mmr : dict Mass mixing ratios for each species fastchem_vmr : dict (optional) Volume mixing ratios for each species """ # If pyfastchem is not installed, mock it: try: from pyfastchem import ( FastChem, FastChemInput, FastChemOutput, FASTCHEM_UNKNOWN_SPECIES ) except ImportError: FastChem = Mock_FastChem FastChemInput = Mock_FastChemInput FastChemOutput = mock_fastchem_output( temperatures, pressures ) FASTCHEM_UNKNOWN_SPECIES = 9999999 fastchem = FastChem( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'element_abundances_solar.dat' ), os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'logK.dat' ), 0 ) # create the input and output structures for FastChem input_data = FastChemInput() output_data = FastChemOutput() input_data.temperature = temperatures.value[::-1] input_data.pressure =[::-1] # run FastChem on the entire p-T structure fastchem.calcDensities(input_data, output_data) n_densities = np.array(output_data.number_densities) /**3 gas_number_density = pressures[::-1] / (k_B * temperatures[::-1]) if return_vmr: fastchem_vmr = dict() fastchem_mmr = dict() for i, isotopologue in enumerate(species): species_name = iso_to_species(isotopologue) species_mass = iso_to_mass(isotopologue) species_name_hill = species_name_to_fastchem_name(species_name) index = fastchem.getSpeciesIndex(species_name_hill) if index != FASTCHEM_UNKNOWN_SPECIES: vmr = ( n_densities[:, index] / gas_number_density ).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value if len(vmr.shape) > 0: vmr = vmr[::-1] if return_vmr: fastchem_vmr[isotopologue] = vmr fastchem_mmr[isotopologue] = vmr * ( species_mass / m_bar ).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value else: print("Species", species_name, "not found in FastChem") if return_vmr: return fastchem_mmr, fastchem_vmr return fastchem_mmr
# Mocking machinery for when pyfastchem is not installed (useful for tests) class Mock_pyfastchem(object): def __init__(self): pass class Mock_FastChem(object): def __init__(self, *args): pass def calcDensities(self, input, output): return 0 def getSpeciesIndex(self, species_name): return 0 class Mock_FastChemInput(object): def __init__(self): self.temperature = None self.pressure = None def mock_fastchem_output(temperatures, pressures): class Mock_FastChemOutput(object): def __init__(self): self.temperatures = temperatures[::-1] self.pressures = pressures[::-1] @property def number_densities(self): gas_number_density = self.pressures / (k_B * self.temperatures) return ( 1.5e-3 * gas_number_density[:, None] ).to(**-3).value return Mock_FastChemOutput