Source code for frei.core

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import m_p, G, sigma_sb
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from import trange 

from .twostream import BB
from .tp import pressure_grid, temperature_grid
from .opacity import binned_opacity
from .phoenix import get_binned_phoenix_spectrum
from .plot import dashboard
from .twostream import emit, absorb

__all__ = [

[docs]def dask_client(cluster_kwargs=dict(), client_kwargs=dict()): """ Launch a local cluster, return the client. """ from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster cluster = LocalCluster( **cluster_kwargs ) client = Client(cluster, **client_kwargs) return client
def wavelength_grid(min_micron=0.5, max_micron=10, n_bins=500, lam=None): """ Compute a log-spaced wavelength grid. """ if lam is None: lam = np.logspace(np.log10(min_micron), np.log10(max_micron), n_bins) * wl_bins = np.concatenate([ [(lam.min() - (lam[1] - lam[0])).to(],] ) + (lam[1] - lam[0]).to( / 2 R = float(lam[lam.shape[0]//2] / (lam[lam.shape[0]//2 + 1] - lam[lam.shape[0]//2])) return lam, wl_bins, R def F_TOA(lam, T_star=5800*u.K, f=2/3, a_rstar=float(0.03 * u.AU / u.R_sun)): """ Compute the flux at the top of the atmosphere of the planet. """ return (f * a_rstar ** -2 * 1 / (2 * np.pi) * (np.pi * B_star(T_star, lam)) ).to(u.erg/u.s/**3, u.spectral_density(lam)) def B_star(T_star, lam): """ Compute the blackbody spectrum of the star """ return BB(T_star)(lam)
[docs]class Planet(object): """Container for planetary system information""" @u.quantity_input( m_bar=u.g, g=u.m/u.s**2, T_star=u.K ) def __init__(self, a_rstar, m_bar, g, T_star, alpha): """ Parameters ---------- a_rstar : float Ratio of the semimajor axis of the orbit to the stellar radius m_bar : ~astropy.units.Quantity Mean molecular weight g : ~astropy.units.Quantity Surface gravity T_star : ~astropy.units.Quantity Stellar effective temperature alpha : float Number of scale heights in a mixing length """ self.a_rstar = a_rstar self.m_bar = m_bar self.g = g self.T_star = T_star self.alpha = alpha
[docs] @classmethod def from_hot_jupiter(cls): """ Initialize a hot-Jupiter system with standard parameters: :math:`M=M_J`, :math:`R=R_J`, :math:`\\bar{m}=2.4`, :math:`g=g_J`, :math:`T_\\mathrm{eff}=5800` K. """ g_jup = 1 * G * u.M_jup / u.R_jup**2 return cls( a_rstar=float(0.03 * u.AU / u.R_sun), m_bar=2.4*m_p, g=g_jup, T_star=5800 * u.K, alpha=1 )
[docs]class Grid(object): """ Grid over temperatures, pressures and wavelengths. """ @u.quantity_input(,,,, T_ref=u.K,,,, init_temperatures=u.K ) def __init__( self, planet, lam=None, pressures=None, init_temperatures=None, # Wavelength grid: lam_min=0.5 *, lam_max=10 *, n_wl_bins=500, # Pressure grid: P_toa=1e-6 *, P_boa=200 *, n_layers=30, # Initial temperature grid: T_ref=2300 * u.K, P_ref=0.1 *, alpha=0.1 ): """ If ``lam``, ``pressures``, or ``init_temperatures`` are None, frei use the remaining keyword arguments to produce each grid. Parameters ---------- planet : ~frei.Planet Planet object associated with this grid. lam : ~astropy.units.Quantity or None (optional) Wavelength grid pressures : ~astropy.units.Quantity or None (optional) Pressure grid init_temperatures : ~astropy.units.Quantity or None (optioonal) Initial temperature grid at each pressure lam_min : ~astropy.units.Quantity Minimum wavelength. lam_max : ~astropy.units.Quantity Maximum wavelength n_wl_bins : int Number of log-spaced bins in wavelength P_toa : ~astropy.units.Quantity Pressure at the top of the atmosphere P_boa : ~astropy.units.Quantity Pressure at the bottom of the atmosphere n_layers : int Number of log-spaced bins in pressure T_ref : ~astropy.units.Quantity Reference temperature at reference pressure P_ref : ~astropy.units.Quantity Reference pressure alpha : float (default = 0.1) Power law index of initial guess T-p profile """ self.planet = planet if lam is None: self.lam, self.wl_bins, self.R = wavelength_grid(,, n_bins=n_wl_bins ) else: self.lam, self.wl_bins, self.R = wavelength_grid( lam=lam ) if pressures is None: self.pressures = pressure_grid( n_layers=n_layers, P_toa=np.log10(, P_boa=np.log10( ) else: self.pressures = pressures if init_temperatures is None: self.init_temperatures = temperature_grid( self.pressures, T_ref, P_ref, alpha ) else: self.init_temperatures = init_temperatures self.opacities = None def __repr__(self): return ( f"<Grid in T=[{self.init_temperatures[0]:.0f}" + f"...{self.init_temperatures[-1]:.0f}], " + f"p=[{self.pressures[0]:.2g}...{self.pressures[-1]:.2g}], " + f"lam=[{self.lam[0]}...{self.lam[-1]}]>" )
[docs] def load_opacities( self, species=None, path=None, opacities=None, client=None, force_reload=False ): """ Load opacity tables from path. Parameters ---------- species : list or None (optional) List of species to load. If None, load all available. path : str Path passed to ~glob.glob to find opacity netCDF files. opacities : None or dict (optional) If opacities are already computed, simply pass them into the Grid object with this keyword argument. client : None or ~dask.distributed.client.Client Client for distributed dask computation on opacity tables Returns ------- opacities : dict Opacity dictionary of xarray.DataArray's """ if (self.opacities is None and opacities is None) or force_reload: self.opacities = binned_opacity( self.init_temperatures, self.pressures, self.wl_bins, self.lam, client, species ) else: self.opacities = opacities return self.opacities
[docs] def emission_spectrum(self, n_timesteps=1, n_zero_crossings=2, convergence_dT=3*u.K): """ Compute the emission spectrum for this grid. Parameters ---------- n_timesteps : int Maximum number of timesteps to take towards radiative equilibrium convergence_dT : ~astropy.units.Quantity Alternatively, set the maximum change in temperature before considered converged Returns ------- spec : specutils.Spectrum1D Emission spectrum final_temps : astropy.units.Quantity Final temperature grid temperature_history : astropy.units.Quantity Grid of temperatures with dimensions (n_layers, n_timesteps) dtaus : numpy.ndarray Change in optical depth in final iteration n_zero_crossings : int Number of changes in sign of ∆T in each layer before considered converged """ if self.opacities is None: raise ValueError("Must load opacities before computing emission spectrum.") flux_unit = u.erg / u.s /**3 F_toa = F_TOA(self.lam, T_star=self.planet.T_star, a_rstar=self.planet.a_rstar) final_temps = self.init_temperatures.copy() n_layers, n_wavelengths = len(self.pressures), len(self.lam) fluxes_down = np.zeros((n_layers, n_wavelengths)) * flux_unit fluxes_up = np.zeros((n_layers, n_wavelengths)) * flux_unit temp_hists = [] max_dTs = [] timestep_iterator = ( trange(n_timesteps) if n_timesteps > 1 else range(n_timesteps) ) for i in timestep_iterator: fluxes_up, fluxes_down, final_temps, temperature_history_emit, _, dT = emit( opacities=self.opacities, temperatures=final_temps, pressures=self.pressures, lam=self.lam, F_TOA=F_toa, g=self.planet.g, m_bar=self.planet.m_bar, n_timesteps=1, alpha=self.planet.alpha, fluxes_up=fluxes_up, fluxes_down=fluxes_down ) fluxes_up, fluxes_down, final_temps, temperature_history_absorb, _, dT = absorb( opacities=self.opacities, temperatures=final_temps, pressures=self.pressures, lam=self.lam, F_TOA=F_toa, g=self.planet.g, m_bar=self.planet.m_bar, n_timesteps=1, alpha=self.planet.alpha, fluxes_up=fluxes_up, fluxes_down=fluxes_down ) max_dT = np.abs(dT).max() # Check for convergence with 6 sign flips in temperature history diff temp_hists.append(temperature_history_absorb) max_dTs.append(max_dT) temp_hist = np.hstack(temp_hists) temp_hist = temp_hist.T[temp_hist[0] != 0].T diffs = np.diff(temp_hist.value.T, axis=0) conv = (np.count_nonzero( np.sign(diffs[1:]) != np.sign(diffs[:-1]), axis=0 ) > n_zero_crossings) | (np.abs(dT) < convergence_dT) if n_timesteps > 1: timestep_iterator.set_description( f"max|∆T|={max_dT:.1f}; conv = {np.count_nonzero(conv)}/{n_layers}" ) if np.all(conv): break temp_hist = np.hstack(temp_hists) temp_hist = temp_hist.T[temp_hist[0] != 0].T fluxes_up, fluxes_down, final_temps, _, dtaus, dT = emit( opacities=self.opacities, temperatures=final_temps, pressures=self.pressures, lam=self.lam, F_TOA=F_toa, g=self.planet.g, m_bar=self.planet.m_bar, n_timesteps=1, fluxes_up=fluxes_up, fluxes_down=fluxes_down ) return ( Spectrum1D(flux=fluxes_up[-1], spectral_axis=self.lam), final_temps, temp_hist, dtaus )
[docs] def emission_dashboard(self, spec, final_temps, temperature_history, dtaus, T_eff=None, plot_phoenix=True, cache=False): """ Produce the "dashboard" plot with the outputs from ``emission_spectrum``. Parameters ---------- spec : ~specutils.Spectrum1D Emission spectrum final_temps : ~astropy.units.Quantity Final temperature grid temperature_history : ~astropy.units.Quantity Grid of temperatures with dimensions (n_layers, n_timesteps) dtaus : ~np.ndarray Change in optical depth in final iteration T_eff : ~astropy.units.Quantity or None If not None, give the effective temperature of the PHOENIX model to plot in comparison, otherwise compute it on the fly. plot_phoenix : bool If True, plot the corresponding PHOENIX model cache : bool Cache the PHOENIX model spectrum if ``plot_phoenix`` is True. Returns ------- fig, ax Matplotlib figure and axis objects. """ if plot_phoenix: if T_eff is None: T_eff = effective_temperature(self, spec, dtaus, final_temps) phoenix_lowres_padded = get_binned_phoenix_spectrum( T_eff, self.planet.g, self.wl_bins, self.lam, cache=cache ) else: flux_unit = u.erg/**3/u.s phoenix_lowres_padded = np.zeros(len(self.lam)) * flux_unit fig, ax = dashboard( self.lam, spec.flux, phoenix_lowres_padded, dtaus, self.pressures, final_temps, temperature_history, self.opacities ) return fig, ax
def effective_temperature_milne(grid, spec, dtaus, final_temps): """ Estimate photosphere temperature from Milne's solution (tau ~ 2/3). """ pressure_milne = np.ones_like(grid.lam.value) for i in range(dtaus.shape[1]): pressure_milne[i] = np.interp( 2/3, np.exp(-dtaus[:, i]), grid.pressures ).to( temperature_milne = np.interp( np.average( pressure_milne,**2, u.spectral_density(grid.lam)).value ), grid.pressures[::-1].to(, final_temps[::-1] ) return temperature_milne def effective_temperature_planck(grid, spec): """ Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to invert the emitted flux for the effective temperature. """ bol_flux = np.trapz(spec.flux, grid.lam) return ((bol_flux / sigma_sb) ** (1/4)).decompose()
[docs]def effective_temperature(grid, spec, dtaus, final_temps): """ Compute effective temperature of an atmosphere given the outputs from ``emit``. This is the mean of the effective temperatures computed from Milne's solution and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Parameters ---------- grid : ~frei.Grid Wavelength, pressure and temperature grid spec : ~specutils.Spectrum1D Emission spectrum dtaus : ~numpy.ndarray Change in optical depth in final iteration final_temps : ~astropy.units.Quantity Temperature grid in the final iteration """ return u.Quantity([ effective_temperature_milne(grid, spec, dtaus, final_temps), effective_temperature_planck(grid, spec) ]).mean()